About Us

Rosella’s Care

About Us


  Growing up Rosella’s skin was always a burden without understanding the confines of proper skin care. She was a victim of bullying because of her severe eczema. You are suppose to feel confident and beautiful in the skin that you are in rather ashamed and ugly. Years of never understanding why her skin wasn't the same as others that 's when the thought of doing something about it came. After years and classes of research/practice the most important solution began to rise. You can guess it Rosella's Care.

  Rosella's own childhood experiences traumatized her. She never wanted her children to experience the same experiences she had as a child as she describe it to be the "hardest chapter in life". Rosella's first born, Delilah, has severe eczema since both her parents suffered from eczema. The product Rosella made started off as something for Delilah's skin. Rosella never thought that skin was an huge problem in the world regardless of what type of skin problems you are experiencing. This skin care business "Rosella's Care" are to target everyone with problematic skin and continue a clear nourish skin from natural & organic products.